(For Cracking the Code scroll down)

The Blaze Method guitar lessons are now available. Once a week you will receive a pre-recorded lesson from Steve Blaze showing you his method of playing & making the guitar an extension of yourself. The lessons are unique and exciting and we would love to have you. While the lessons are aimed for beginning and intermediate players, many players who are seasoned have been getting a lot from the lessons and are looking at approaching the guitar in a new way.
When you purchase a single lesson, Steve is available to respond to any questions about the lesson via email, which you will be provided with.
When you purchase 4 lessons, a 10 minute monthly phone/zoom call per 4 lesson session with Steve may be scheduled. If you choose a zoom call, once scheduled, you must set up the zoom & provide the link. (All students outside of the USA must connect with Steve via Zoom.) You must be an active student, or within a week of your last lesson to receive the zoom.
For those students interested in “The Blaze Method” payment plan:
We will begin accepting payment plan deposits toward the 4 pack of lessons, at $25 per week for the 4 week period.
Once you sign up for this payment plan, you are expected to purchase at least those 4 lessons ($100 total).
Payment plans will renew every 4 lessons, unless you choose otherwise (cancellation or postponement).
Once you begin the Payment plan, $25 will be due Friday of each week. After the 3rd payment you will begin receiving your weekly lessons.
If you are enjoying the lessons, we encourage you to continue making the $25 a week payments unless you decide to take a break or cancel.

Postpone Payments or Cancellation Info:
If you have an emergency or need to postpone your payments, you will not receive the lessons until payments begin again.
If you do not/cannot make your 4th payment and have not postponed or want to cancel, you will pay a $15 cancelation fee** You will still receive the 3 lessons you purchased.
If you cannot pay the cancellation fee or elect this option, you will receive 2 lessons and forfeit the 3rd. You will be given a $15 credit towards a future purchase from any item Steve sells.
Lesson payment plans are fixed 4 week blocks. NO REFUNDS or exceptions.
After you have been a student for 3 months you will not incur cancellation fees.^^
^^After lesson 12, if you chose to cancel future lessons, you would paid current 2 weeks in advance. We will cancel your plan and you will receive the weekly lessons due to you going forward with no cancellation fee.
**Individual lessons are $30 a lesson, cancellation fees charged are the extra $5 for each lesson you received without paying for the block of 4. (Lesson blocks 1-4, 4-8 and 8-12 are subject to cancellation fees).
Current available songs are “TRUE BELIEVER” and “SHOW A LITTLE LOVE”. Please continue to check back for new songs to be announced. $50 per song. $25 per song for current students of “The Blaze Method”. Current student implies you are in a 4 lesson course and within one week of your last lesson. Purchase by clicking the Paypal link below and indicate which song you would like.
CLICK HERE to purchase “The Blaze Method”, “Cracking The Code” or a GIFT CERTIFICATE:
GIFT CERTIFICATES ARE AVAILABLE. Pay above and Email Caren @LillianAxe.com to confirm.